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12. September 2024 | Partnerwebinare | Webinar | Mehr auf Onventis Videos

Partner webinar

Strategies for indirect procurement with Unite

12. September 2024

10:00 - 11:00

Cedric Joch
Head of Presales
Robert Weitmann
Head of Sales Benelux

Unite has been an Onventis partner since 2023. The e-procurement platform, with the integrated Mercateo Marketplace and Procurement Portal, enables simple procurement for companies and the public sector.

Companies can solve the procurement of indirect requirements by connecting to the e-procurement platform. As an e-procurement system partner, Onventis offers purchasing teams immediate access to millions of products from hundreds of suppliers. Customers benefit from a supplier connection at the click of a mouse and a spot market in almost all of Europe.

This webinar will show you how Onventis Buyer integrates the European B2B platform Unite. Using current practical examples, you will also learn how to master the challenges of indirect purchasing, how to procure in a compliant and lightweight manner, and how to continuously optimize your purchasing. The content is designed to be immediately applicable to your procurement processes.

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